Kindergarten Readiness Test - 2nd Edition - Larson (KRT-2)
Ages: 4- 6 years
Testing Time: 15 - 20 minutes
Administration: Individual
Specifically designed for professionals and parents concerned with the question, “Is this child ready to begin school?”, the Kindergarten Readiness Test-Larson (KRT-2 LARSON) is an assessment tool developed to measure a child’s functioning through various developmental tasks. The KRT-2 LARSON consolidates critical areas of developmental tests into one single form, making identification of school readiness more efficient and valid.
Using state-of-the-art child development theories and test design, the KRT-2 LARSON is sensitive to current state and federal laws regulating school readiness. Each Test Booklet has additional forms to help enhance parent conferences, graphically depict a child’s strength and weaknesses, and has been used to identify possible handicap conditions at an early age. Along with these capabilities, the KRT-2 LARSON also facilitates developmental writing objective programs for teachers or parents. Within the Test Booklet, tasks are presented in a sequential developmental-maturational format.
The KRT-2 LARSON is intended to be used by early education teachers and other professionals who work with children, to assess levels of maturity and development of typical later-four, five, and six year old children who are entering kindergarten classes. Its primary purpose is to provide additional information to help parents, teachers, and educational specialists to determine if a child is developmentally or maturationally ready to begin kindergarten in any given school year.
Five General Assessed Skills:
Understanding, Awareness, and Interactions with one’s environment.
Judgement and Reasoning in Problem Solving
Numerical Awareness
Visual and Fine-Motor Coordination
Auditory Attention Span and Concentration
Quantity Instructor Discount Available.....Refer to Promos Page
KRT-2-1 KRT-2 Larson Complete Kit . . . . . $301.50
KRT-2-2 Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.25
KRT-2-3 Test Booklets (25) . . . . . . . . . . . . .145.25
KRT-2-4 Performance Grid Sheets (25) . . . . . 36.75
KRT-2-5 Letter to Parent (25) . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.75
KRT-2-6 Scoring Interpretation (25) . . . . . . . . 36.75
KRT-2-7 Stimulus Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.00
KRT-2-LARSON Complete Kit Includes: Manual; Performance Grid Sheets (25); Scoring Interpretation (25); Test Booklets (Set of 25); Letters to Parent (25); Stimulus Items.